Web of Thought Diagram

graph TD Input[User Input] --> AM[Node 2: Attention Management] AM -->|focusOn| MC[Node 1: Memory Consolidation] AM -->|focusOn| PR[Node 4: Pattern Recognition] AM -->|focusOn| LR[Node 5: Logical Reasoning] MC -->|storeMemory| SP[Node 7: Synaptic Pruning] MC -->|retrieveMemory| CU[Node 6: Contextual Understanding] PR -->|recognizePattern| NP[Node 8: Neuroplasticity] PR -->|generateNewPattern| CF[Node 10: Creativity Facilitation] LR -->|applyRules| ER[Node 3: Emotional Regulation] LR -->|evaluateEvidence| SC[Node 9: Social Cognition] CU -->|placeInContext| Output[Response Output] NP -->|reorganizePathways| Output ER -->|regulateEmotion| Output SC -->|understandSocialCues| Output CF -->|generateNewIdeas| Output subgraph Adjustable Inputs Input --> i1[Attention Focus] Input --> i2[Memory Retrieval Cue] Input --> i3[Emotional State] Input --> i4[Problem to Solve] Input --> i5[Social Context] end i1 --> AM i2 --> MC i3 --> ER i4 --> LR i5 --> SC